Thursday, 26 November 2009

The hunt for the missing adults with autism 3

This is the Third cartoon of Professor Simon Barron Cohen looking for the missing adults with autism.

The hunt for the missing adults with autism 2

This is the second cartoon of Professor Simon Barron Cohen looking for the missing adults with autism.

The hunt for the missing adults with autism

This is the first of a series of cartoons about Professor Simon Barron Cohen We produce early this year,
Simon has this year finally released the figures for his prevalence study showing autism in children to be a staggering 1 in 62, (one in 40 boys).
despite this his research unit in Cambridge collaborated with the DOH to produce another study showing autism in adults to be 1 in 100 (in line with the old accepted prevalence figure)
Simon was not credited on the results despite him being involved.
Simon has remained silent about the implications of the 1 in 100 adults as it contradicts his other well designed study.

Sunday, 30 August 2009

A rough guide to childhood deseases 1997

sleep well Kaz CooKe an old clipping from oz

Vaccines tested on Australian orphans

Robert Milliken Sydney

Wednesday, 11 June 1997

An outcry erupted in Australia yesterday over revelations that hundreds of orphan babies and small children were used as guinea pigs in experiments on vaccines for herpes, whooping cough, influenza and other diseases, for 25 years after the Second World War.

Former wards of state demanded a judicial inquiry after it was disclosed that some of the tests did not work, failed to pass safety tests in animals and caused vomiting, abscesses and other side-effects in babies.

The revelations came in a report in the Age newspaper of Melbourne, which outlined seven separate cases of such experiments taking place in orphanages in Victoria state between 1945 and 1970. The experiments were conducted under the auspices of the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research, one of Australia's most prestigious research institutions, and the Commonwealth Serum Laboratories, then a federal government body.

They took place without the consent of any of the children's parents at a time when orphanages were crowded with state wards under an official policy that children from poor families and single parents should be placed under the care of the state. Such policies continued until the 1970s.

Michael Wooldridge, the federal minister for health, said last night that the experiments should never have happened. He said they were conducted according to the medical ethics of the day and should not be judged by today's standards. "We will do everything we can to put people's minds at rest."

According to the Age, researchers from the Walter and Eliza Hall institute began work to develop a vaccine against herpes simplex by conducting experiments on babies in 1947 at Broadmeadows Babies Home, an institution run by the Roman Catholic Sisters of St Joseph. They chose the state wards because the infectious virus thrived in cramped living conditions and was believed to be "predominantly a disease of the poorer classes". The experiments failed. Some of the vaccinated babies caught herpes.

In another experiment, researchers from the Commonwealth Serum Laboratory tested combined antigens for whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus on wards aged between three months and almost three years, from three Melbourne babies' homes.

A separate experiment by the same institution, involving 350 babies, was conducted over three years up to 1970. In this trial, to reduce the side-effects of influenza vaccines in infants, the babies were given full adult doses of the test vaccine.

David Vaux, the Walter and Eliza Hall institute's spokesman, said yesterday that medical ethics committees with strictrules for informed consent on such trials had not been "invented" at the time.

"There were epidemics at the time of infectious diseases killing large numbers of children, especially at these institutions where conditions were very crowded. The sisters-in-charge were desperate to try to prevent their children from dying." Why the experiments on a non-life threatening condition such as herpes? "The authorities were interested in preventing children from suffering from herpes," Dr Vaux said.

Former wards who believe they might have been used as guinea pigs are demanding access to their medical records. Heather Bell, a Melbourne woman used in one trial as a baby, and now a spokesperson for a group representing former wards of state, said yesterday: "We want a government inquiry. The government were totally responsible for these children and they used them as guinea pigs. Would you use your children for medical experiments? "

Friday, 21 August 2009


Here is a selection of the antivax websites the Department of Health and Trimedia are afraid to mention in the measles roadshow promotional material.
Like the swine flu Hoax a little honesty is what we need, telling parents to ignore these sites will not make them disappear.
(btw none of the sites are funded by the pharmaceutical industry)
The website was compiled by the founders of Generation Rescue, Jenny McCarthy?s autism organization. Generation Rescue is a parent-founded and parent-led non-profit organization with more than 1,000 parent volunteers all over the world.
Generation Rescue is an international movement of scientists and physicians researching the causes and treatments for autism, ADHD and chronic illness, while parent-volunteers mentor thousands of families in recovering their children.

Talk About Curing Autism (TACA) provides information, resources, and support to families affected by autism. For families who have just received the autism diagnosis, TACA aims to speed up the cycle time from the autism diagnosis to effective treatments. TACA helps to strengthen the autism community by connecting families and the professionals who can help them, allowing them to share stories and information to help people with autism be the best they can be.
JABS as a self-help group neither recommends nor advises against vaccinations but we aim to promote understanding about immunisations and offer basic support to any parent whose child has a health problem after vaccination.
We want comprehensive information for all parents to make an informed decision on the benefits and risks of vaccination. We are fully aware that some children have and will continue to be damaged by combined and single dose vaccines. However, this knowledge does not mean that parents will leave their child unvaccinated. JABS is trying to support free choice and full information on the real risks of vaccination and childhood diseases.
The mission of the National Autism Association is to educate and empower families affected by autism and other neurological disorders, while advocating on behalf of those who cannot fight for their own rights. We will educate society that autism is not a lifelong incurable genetic disorder but one that is biomedically definable and treatable. We will raise public and professional awareness of environmental toxins as causative factors in neurological damage that often results in an autism or related diagnosis. We will encourage those in the autism community to never give up in their search to help their loved ones reach their full potential, funding efforts toward this end through appropriate research for finding a cure for the neurological damage from which so many affected by autism suffer.
CryShame is a campaigning group co-founded by a number of UK parents and professionals who are concerned about the catastrophic rise in autism spectrum disorders and in the potential link with environmental toxins-- particularly MMR and thimerosol (mercury) containing vaccines.

CryShame is not an anti-vaccine group. Indeed one of the major factors that brings all co-founding parents of CryShame together is that they all complied with vaccination advice from the department of health in ensuring their children were vaccinated against the recommended range of infectious disease from age 2 months onwards.

The immediate mission for CryShame is to support Professor Simon Murch, Dr Andrew Wakefield and Professor Walker-Smith as they stand accused before the General Medical Council of the UK.
The National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) is a national, non-profit educational organization founded in 1982. The oldest and largest consumer organization advocating the institution of vaccine safety and informed consent protections in the mass vaccination system, NVIC is responsible for launching the vaccine safety and informed consent movement in America in the early 1980's.
Dailey web newspaper of the autism epedemic
Health Advocacy news portal
Health Advocacy blog

And just for "Fun"
The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA), established in 1863, is a not-for-profit association representing more than 78,000 veterinarians working in private and corporate practice, government, industry, academia, and uniformed services. Structured to work for its members, the AVMA acts as a collective voice for its membership and for the profession.

Thursday, 20 August 2009

Have TriMedia Given up on Failed MMR Roadshow stunt?

Seems like this campaign was destined to fail from the outset, the trailer was damaged on one its first outings and in hindsight perhaps this was a sign from a power greater that Professor David Salisbury to give up now.
After roughing up some mums of dead and damaged children the crew set to work handing the booklet (by Kaz Cooke ,rough guide to childhood diseases) that portrays vaccination as a completely safe procedure and brands any organisation or person legitimately calling for more safety as Nutty and Worse...
Of course the Swine Flu HOAX and widespread and growing opinion from within the medical profession that swine flu vaccines will be poorly tested and potentualy damaging, further highlight the foolishness of throwing money at a badly conceived PR campaign .
the local press are NOT promoting the measles roadshow , perhaps they have realised what a toxic mess this is or perhaps trimedia have gone into damage limitation mode. thrown away the misleading booklet and muzzled its "experts"
My advise, respray the trailer ready for the HPV campaign next year, that?s if we are not all DEAD from swine flu.

Tuesday, 18 August 2009

Pearson PLC publishers of a rough guide to childhood deseases visit!

thank you for visiting this blog , I'm really disgusted with the rough guide book that you have published for the measles roadshow campaign.
I see that you have spent a great deal of time looking at this site in detail.

I always thought that rough guide books gave an honest view and I can't imagine that one of your travel books would advise a visiting a county knowing that some readers would be killed or injured.
Your twisted view that vaccination is absolutely safe may just make this happen to a child pushed into vaccination despite a known underlying medical issue.
all medical procedures have an associated risk and this needs to be made clear in your book.

at the very least it should have links to the "yellow card" website and information to where readers can get the package inserts for the vaccines to be given to there children.

On a friendlier note I think you should publish a rough guide to autism, Dummies already have a autism and an adhd offering, (which are okay but not upto date)
with autism now at 1 in 62 in the UK (1 in 40) boys there is quite a market and we do need more books with practical advise on day to day living, diet ,education, medical treatment and getting support.
please take this on board we need your help.

where can get A rough guide to childhood diseases?

this handly little booket was given out at the Measles roadshownand can now be found in the paper recycling bins of various major towns (hotspots) and proping up wonky tables.
Written by an Autralian mother in classic australian english here are soem extracts.
(none of the opinions in this book are those of the department of health.)

A rough guide to childhood diseases

?There are some heated debates about vaccinations. At the extremes are the doctors who say it isn't worth discussing the fact that a relatively tiny number of kids are damaged by vaccines because it's far fewer than those who have died from the diseases if there had been no vaccinations; and at the other end there are some nutty anti-vaccinators who say extremely dodgy stuff, often on their websites, including this: "Children who were breastfed and are well looked after have an immune system which will protect them against all diseases." (This, frankly, is a big fat fib.)

Parents don't always look at the big picture and I think doctors need to understand this. We are usually more worried about what effect a vaccine might have on our individual tiny person than thrilled to participate in a disease-eradication public health programme. When doctors say there's only a one-in-a-million chance of a serious vaccination reaction such as a seizure, they should remember we're all worried that our baby might be that one in a million.


?Parents with legitimate questions can be treated like rabid twits by both sides. On the one hand "information" given to them in anti-vaccination books and on websites is most often a shocking mix of lies, twisted statistics and accusations totally irrelevant to UK vaccines. On the other hand a few worried parents say they have been bullied by doctors instead of being given information respectfully.

Most people have already made up their mind about what they think of vaccines by the time they have children. Some get whatever's on the schedule, no questions asked. A few vehemently oppose vaccinations and won't be swayed by any facts presented. The following is really for people who want more info before closing their eyes, crossing their fingers and jumping (a time honoured, metaphorical pertinent decision-making technique).

Despite the claims of many anti-vaccine lobbyists, the dedicated medical staff who immunise children are, hey, probably not part of some bizarre, worldwide, shifty-eyed conspiracy to make money for drug companies, and probably not brainwashed, robotic devotees of weird science. And it seems equally evident that sadly a very, very, small number of individual children among millions may be harmed by a vaccine. In a perfect world each child's reactions would be perfectly predictable, each child with a medical predisposition would have obvious symptoms, and each vaccine dose would be tailored to the levels of immunity in each child without needing blood to be taken with yet another injection. Ultimately parents will have to weigh up the tiny statistical risk for their child against the protection from dangerous diseases.


Some anti-vaccination activists have said that mercury in childhood vaccines was causing health problems. As there is no mercury (thimerosal) used in any of the UK injections on the routine schedule for kids there is no point in arguing the issue here, although the idea has been discredited. Despite the claims of most anti-vaccination books and websites, you can be assured that all routine childhood vaccines are free of mercury. If you are worried, ask your doctor to get out the list of ingredients from the packet and take you through them.

There is a tiny amount of gelatin in one brand of MMR vaccine. But, the Muslim Council of Britain advises muslims they are duty bound to use life-saving preventative measures and the World Health Organisation (WHO) website carries a statement endorsed by many Islamic medical scholars saying that the transformed gelatin can be considered pure and permissible to consume.

Vaccines Do Not Cause Autism

For a while there was a lot of publicity about whether the MMR vaccine caused autism. Now we know it doesn't.

It was a disagreement between all of the medical doctors in the world except for a tiny, tiny handful, versus some parents of sick children who suspected some damage was caused by the MMR vaccine. Some parents were concerned about giving three vaccines in one jab, preferring three injections spaced over time. This is because they believed that the immune system is too challenged by a multiple vaccine: another theory that doctors say has no supporting evidence and is disproven by the vast number of successful triple jabs.

In the late 1990's a UK digestion doctor called Andrew Wakefield worried parents by saying the MMR vaccine was linked to, or may cause, autism. His claims have now been totally disproved by every other study done previously or since on MMR and autism rates, and all reputable immune system and infectious diseases specialists. So now we know that MMR does not cause autism, nor do other vaccines.

Anti-vaccination contacts

I tried to find an anti-vaccination book or website that seems perfectly sober and reasonable. God knows I tried. But to be candid, I only found nutty ones. This is one of the reasons why the writings are almost always self-published - big publishing houses and magazines won't touch them. Most of the authors fervently claimed that immunisation doesn't prevent disease - which is demonstrably not true. Almost all books, websites and articles in "alternative" magazines quote the same handful of self-described researchers or experts.

You should be aware that many anti-vaccination websites are books repeat (as facts) claims that have been disproved - such as that vaccines cause autism, sudden infant death syndrome or cancer and that germs do not cause disease - or are unprovable. Most give lots of statistics, often obviously quoting from each other rather than primary sources, but on further investigation the statistics are selectively used or plain wrongly interpreted. Their info is almost always irrelevant to the UK (it's worth repeating that there's no mercury, known as thimerosal in routine UK child vaccines. The have said immunisation causes (variously) shaken baby syndrome, asthma, attention deficit disorder - in fact anything that has statistically risen since the introduction of vaccination including, to single out one US anti-vaccine activist, criminal behaviour (there is a whole book on the theory).

At the back it lists

Brian Deer's website by saying; A respected British investigative reporter wraps up the Dr Wakefield anti-MMR campaign story.

and Bad Science is there;

A British journo and doctor, Ben Goldacre runs a funny and entertaining site while he's being serious about why homeopathy won't work any better than a sugar pill, how the anti-MMR rumours gained such a following despite being utterly wrong, and how hopeless most reporters and TV Shows are when explaining science.

Book promoted;

Autism's False Prophets: Bad Science, Risky Medicine and the Search for The Cure.
by Paul Offit

Bad Science by Ben Goldacre

Vaccine: The Controversial Story of Medicine's Greatest Lifesaver by
Arthur Allen, Norton 2007

Mr Allen uses his long experience as a journalist to detail the history of vaccines including a clear-eyed cataloguing of the problems, and covers the fight against polio, the eradication of smallpox, the anti-vaccination movement and the autism controversy.

Vaccine Doubters is Trimedia Camp??

its seems like Trimedia employees are taking a great deal of interest in this website, I am seeing lots of activity during the day and some nice spikes when peolple get in from work.
it also seems like lots of people are checking the videos and links out ,(I can see click through traffic)
interestingly not much trafic from google searches, most appear to be generated from direct trafic and webmail referals.
this is typical of links sent home by email and passed on.

I do hope you are evaluating the evidence for yourselves and you families we really don't want nay more members in our "club".
Most of the information you will find will come in useful in deciding to have the FLU jab (thermirasol content, the testing of the vaccine children, the arrangements for compensation in the cases of adverse reactions (or not))

please carry on passing the links on, and as you have now looked at the sites you are now "antivaccine nutjobs"

todays link don't click here ;-)

Monday, 17 August 2009

Allison Edwards Comments about the Measles Road show PR Disaster

From the Jabs Website

It's the name-calling of parents of dead or damaged children after vaccines as "nutty anti-vaccinators" I find so abhorrent. (As printed in their booklet referred to at the end of this piece).

Departments booking this sort of PR should be investigated for mis-use of our hard earned taxes, creating propaganda to be used AGAINST US for their own ends. They have ganged up, and come down hard on ordinary people....just because they have witnessed their own child's sudden and catastrophic downturn after MMR. A jab that was given to their child in trust and good faith.

No departmental reputation is worth more than another persons life - (haven't we seen enough with Baby P - but on this topic it seems THE overriding factor is to protect reputations and backs before the publics' health AND in particular, children. No serious examination into these claims has ever been undertaken, only PR produced to counter it, paid for out of the public purse and backed up by those with vested interests in the conclusion. Studies that don't even include children with regressive autism and bowel disease and constantly cited. And the autism numbers keep on going up and up, nothing changes, no explanation, because MMR is the only option and that doesn't change, the simplest thing for them to do is deny the link. This sort of planning has been going on by professionals for years.

Now, on this latest stunt they've cleverly kept all reference to MMR away from our eyes on the outside of the roadshow lorry, t-shirts and brochures, it's not about 3 diseases, this campaign is about one, MEASLES, yet the NHS do NOT offer single vaccines.

Nowhere in their booklet, THE ROUGH GUIDE to Childhood Illnesses, do they list a place parents can go if they suspect something has adverse has occurred, not even a mention of the goverment's own, Vaccine Damage Payment Unit, or indeed, JABS.

ALL of the national press media are quite happy to repeatedly come here to JABS for some sensible information and balanced quotes from Jackie Fletcher, a mum who has first-hand experience of vaccine damage and offers an alternative view to the one-type-fits-all blanket immunisation coverage sported by the DoH.

Simple fact, new, or short-term tested, or multiple vaccines ARE a risk to the patient because ALL DRUGS HAVE SIDE-EFFECTS. Why are they missing this point out? - Well because they probably wish to eradicate all mention of adverse reactions, as well as measles, pushing the ideal that vaccines are safe safe safe....foolhardy in the extreme if the swine flu vaccine kills or damages....and a lopsided view. No doubt the PR machine will kick in then too. What hope do parents have for a fair deal? None! AS INDIVIDUALS WE DON'T HAVE THE KIND OF MONEY TO PAY FOR A SERIOUS CHALLENGE TO THEIR CLAIMS AND THEY KNOW IT.

Seen as a threat, those who speak up and report adverse reactions are to be ridiculed, and insulted. I have seen comments like "no wonder their children are like they are" (meaning autism) on a website promoted in their booklet. Yet they take a great deal of time and effort to lampoon websites who WILL listen to the cries of parents who see it as their public duty to inform others and deter them from repeating a pattern..,it's only natural.

Respect for the government, civil service and businesses alike that supply inadequately tested drugs in a hurry to drive profits upward using PR predictions, have caused public confidence to sink to an all-time low. Is it any wonder, following hot on the heels of the MP's expenses scandal that parents are voting with their feet and no longer trust or believe a single word they tell us?

THE ROUGH GUIDE to Childhood Illnesses by Kaz Cooke
Published by Rough Guides Ltd (July 2009), 80 Strand, London WC2R 0RL.
ISBN 978-1-8436530-8 (135798642)
The Department of Health supported the publication of this book but the individual views expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect official policies. (MMMMmmmm?)

The Trimedia PR MMR Vaccine Promo Brochure

The brochure booklet are quite the most shocking read....and offer no comfort to parents of dead or damaged children here are a couple of extracts (WARNING :remove all sharp objects to hand first!):


?There are some heated debates about vaccinations. At the extremes are the doctors who say it isn't worth discussing the fact that a relatively tiny number of kids are damaged by vaccines because it's far fewer than those who have died from the diseases if there had been no vaccinations; and at the other end there are some nutty anti-vaccinators who say extremely dodgy stuff, often on their websites, including this: "Children who were breastfed and are well looked after have an immune system which will protect them against all diseases." (This, frankly, is a big fat fib.)

Parents don't always look at the big picture and I think doctors need to understand this. We are usually more worried about what effect a vaccine might have on our individual tiny person than thrilled to participate in a disease-eradication public health programme. When doctors say there's only a one-in-a-million chance of a serious vaccination reaction such as a seizure, they should remember we're all worried that our baby might be that one in a million. (For the vast majority of parents, it gets easier by the second lot of scheduled jabs because the first ones caused no problems at all.)?


?Parents with legitimate questions can be treated like rabid twits by both sides. On the one hand "information" given to them in anti-vaccination books and on websites is most often a shocking mix of lies, twisted statistics and accusations totally irrelevant to UK vaccines. On the other hand a few worried parents say they have been bullied by doctors instead of being given information respectfully. (Time to find another GP if you feel that's the case: the majority will talk sensibly about concerns.)

Most people have already made up their mind about what they think of vaccines by the time they have children. Some get whatever's on the schedule, no questions asked. A few vehemently oppose vaccinations and won't be swayed by any facts presented. The following is really for people who want more info before closing their eyes, crossing their fingers and jumping (a time honoured, metaphorical pertinent decision-making technique).

Despite the claims of many anti-vaccine lobbyists, the dedicated medical staff who immunise children are, hey, probably not part of some bizarre, worldwide, shifty-eyed conspiracy to make money for drug companies, and probably not brainwashed, robotic devotees of weird science. And it seems equally evident that sadly a very, very, small number of individual children among millions may be harmed by a vaccine. In a perfect world each child's reactions would be perfectly predictable, each child with a medical predisposition would have obvious symptoms, and each vaccine dose would be tailored to the levels of immunity in each child without needing blood to be taken with yet another injection. Ultimately parents will have to weigh up the tiny statistical risk for their child against the protection from dangerous diseases.


Some anti-vaccination activists have said that mercury in childhood vaccines was causing health problems. As there is no mercury (thimerosal) used in any of the UK injections on the routine schedule for kids there is no point in arguing the issue here, although the idea has been discredited. Despite the claims of most anti-vaccination books and websites, you can be assured that all routine childhood vaccines are free of mercury. If you are worried, ask your doctor to get out the list of ingredients from the packet and take you through them.

There is a tiny amount of gelatin in one brand of MMR vaccine. But, the Muslim Council of Britain advises muslims they are duty bound to use life-saving preventative measures and the World Health Organisation (WHO) website carries a statement endorsed by many Islamic medical scholars saying that the transformed gelatin can be considered pure and permissible to consume.

Vaccines Do Not Cause Autism

For a while there was a lot of publicity about whether the MMR vaccine caused autism. Now we know it doesn't.

It was a disagreement between all of the medical doctors in the world except for a tiny, tiny handful, versus some parents of sick children who suspected some damage was caused by the MMR vaccine. Some parents were concerned about giving three vaccines in one jab, preferring three injections spaced over time. This is because they believed that the immune system is too challenged by a multiple vaccine: another theory that doctors say has no supporting evidence and is disproven by the vast number of successful triple jabs.

In the late 1990's a UK digestion doctor called Andrew Wakefield worried parents by saying the MMR vaccine was linked to, or may cause, autism. His claims have now been totally disproved by every other study done previously or since on MMR and autism rates, and all reputable immune system and infectious diseases specialists. So now we know that MMR does not cause autism, nor do other vaccines.


Anti-vaccination contacts

I tried to find an anti-vaccination book or website that seems perfectly sober and reasonable. God knows I tried. But to be candid, I only found nutty ones. This is one of the reasons why the writings are almost always self-published - big publishing houses and magazines won't touch them. Most of the authors fervently claimed that immunisation doesn't prevent disease - which is demonstrably not true. Almost all books, websites and articles in "alternative" magazines quote the same handful of self-described researchers or experts.

You should be aware that many anti-vaccination websites are books repeat (as facts) claims that have been disproved - such as that vaccines cause autism, sudden infant death syndrome or cancer and that germs do not cause disease - or are unprovable. Most give lots of statistics, often obviously quoting from each other rather than primary sources, but on further investigation the statistics are selectively used or plain wrongly interpreted. Their info is almost always irrelevant to the UK (it's worth repeating that there's no mercury, known as thimerosal in routine UK child vaccines. The have said immunisation causes (variously) shaken baby syndrome, asthma, attention deficit disorder - in fact anything that has statistically risen since the introduction of vaccination including, to single out one US anti-vaccine activist, criminal behaviour (there is a whole book on the theory).

At the back it lists

Brian Deer's website by saying; A respected British investigative reporter wraps up the Dr Wakefield anti-MMR campaign story.

and Bad Science is there;

A British journo and doctor, Ben Goldacre runs a funny and entertaining site while he's being serious about why homeopathy won't work any better than a sugar pill, how the anti-MMR rumours gained such a following despite being utterly wrong, and how hopeless most reporters and TV Shows are when explaining science.

Book promoted;

Autism's False Prophets: Bad Science, Risky Medicine and the Search for The Cure.
by Paul Offit

Bad Science by Ben Goldacre

Vaccine: The Controversial Story of Medicine's Greatest Lifesaver by
Arthur Allen, Norton 2007

Mr Allen uses his long experience as a journalist to detail the history of vaccines including a clear-eyed cataloguing of the problems, and covers the fight against polio, the eradication of smallpox, the anti-vaccination movement and the autism controversy.

Allison Edwards account of her peacefull demo at the Measles Roadshow

from the Jabs forum
The DoH have spent ?400,000 of tax payers' money to PR company, Trimedia. It consists of a lorry with a stage plastered in big facts about measles. There were three guys and half a dozen promotion girls/middle aged ladies sporting white t-shirts with a big red splodge on saying, "MEASLES Don't let your child catch it". They freely handed out glossy booklets called the ROUGH GUIDE to Childhood Illnesses by Kaz Cooke with an immunisation brochure tucked inside spreading the word by targeting pregnant mums-to-be and young mums with babies and toddlers in particular. By inviting them to sit at their tables and chairs they gave them the concentrated hard sell on the dangers of measles meanwhile a looped DVD of Dr David Salisbury at work played on the monitor in the background. A sobbing mum on the screen described how her child was extremely ill in hospital with measles, she wipes away a tear......

Over at our spot their crew descended on our little gang of five angrily saying our children were not dead or damaged from the MMR! Unbelievable! I had to ask one of their older less attractive female tribe not to talk to Sarah like she was, so bossily, after what she'd been through. Sarah can take care of herself and waded straight in there, but was being wound up a treat by this unsympathetic bunch, she is such a feisty soul to put herself through this sort of direct action which she does in the memory of her little boy how she stays so strong I'll never know. Our very presence made them cross.

One by one they came over and ranted and then called for security to get us to go. We weren't quite 'kettled' but we WERE surrounded. A burly Victoria SC security guard and his equally hefty sidekick informed me this was private property, and we should move on, I explained what we were doing he then winked as he told me that if I stepped over the grate to my left I would be off their property and so immoveable. Three community police hovered around us the entire time and one proper policeman to our left and four security men stayed put too. The PR team boss (mid to late 20's - miss busy-body) wanted rid of us, then a male (who kindly gave us a glass of water with the intention of gleaning more info) took photos of our banners. The whole group gathered up to hold a meeting not unlike an American Football Team huddle. Out came wadges of brochures, the girls staked pavement spots all around us and aimed to beat us to every young mum. We were outnumbered handsomely BUT WE HAD put the wind up them that's for sure. Their phones were hot!!! We had a generous and interested share of the public approaching us though too, mostly supportive.

Positioned at the Clock Tower entrance of a rather seedy 1960's edifice, the Victoria Shopping Centre the lorry is eye-catching crewed by a determined bunch - or at least they were when we turned up. I phoned Central News and a news team duly arrived it wasn't until they spent more time than was comfortable with the lorry crew, that I realised there is a news story in the offing but controlled in a 'for and against' way, completely orchestrated by the Dept of Health, Immunisations as part of their PR package. The AGAINST MMR filming, I was told was being conducted elsewhere, in the WEST midlands, this being the EAST. I said I was from the west, could they give me the reporter's number,, they only had his email. I worked on them because I could see they had gathered vox pop interviews and wides and pictures of us, but none speaking as yet, just as they unplugged they relented at my persistence and gave me an interview.

As they positioned themselves, Miss Busybody shot over and tried to Direct the interview by demanding that they didn't include the lorry in the background with our banners and gang in the foreground, they then turned on the generator so the sound was distorted, all this as workmen filled a hole in the pavement next to us and a street sweeper car made four rounds over us, telly cameras make shopping centres bosses nervous obviously!!! Undeterred I laid into them, pointing out the obstacles they laid in front of us to prevent us speaking, they were starting to get how unfair it was. However, I have no positive feelings from this interview, I felt they were humouring me particularly when every sentence the reporter uttered began with "I am not going to lie to you......we might not use it". The fact that I had driven over 75 miles, taken time out from caring for my autistic son AND paid out of my own pocket to do it was the clincher...Chris and Sarah had come from farther away Gloucester he wasn't keen on talking to us following their briefing from Miss Busybody.

I rang Sky News, the BBC and no joy. No editors would take it up. Local radio station were there already on site but doing the DoH bidding. I gave it a whirl too much to their annoyance. Let's hope they have to ponder the thought we may at some other point turn up and do this again!

Alli Edwards

Sunday, 16 August 2009

Is Brian Deer the complainant?

MMR Measles Roadshow website

Good Morning Trimedia thanks for visiting. I see by my logs you have even dropped by at the weekend . hard working you!!!

please take a look at the films on this website they are pretty graphic and very sad.

please withdraw the Anti vax leaflet from your campaign and convey to parents there are risks with vaccinations as with any medical procedure .

Please look at this website and review the campaign that the DOH have asked you to do in light of your own CSR.

"CBS News has found that since 1988, the vaccine court has awarded money judgments, often in the millions of dollars, to thirteen hundred and twenty two families whose children suffered brain damage from vaccines. In many … cases, the government paid out awards following a judicial finding that vaccine injury lead to the child’s autism spectrum disorder."

Saturday, 15 August 2009

MMR Measles Roadshow Brighton Anti Vaccine Websites

these are some of the websites that Trimedia and the Department of Health

They won't name them them for 2 reasons
1. none are anti vaccine
2. they don't want you to look at them

None suggest that you don't vaccinate but all call for more research and question the deeply flawed studies that have been undertaken by governments and vaccine manufacturers.
All call for informed vaccination decision be available to parents


trimedia have been paid £400,000 by the DOH to promote MMR in the "Measles, is your child protected" road show.
the booklet handed out brands the parents of children damaged and killed and those who are calling for safer vaccines and vaccine testing as ANTI-VAX.
Paul Offit and Brian Deer are cited as "credible sources"

here are some reasons why you should be asking the question IS MMR SAFE.

quotes from Dr Peter Fletcher former UK chief medical officer

"There are very powerful people in positions of great authority in Britain and elsewhere who have staked their reputations and careers on the safety of MMR and they are willing to do almost anything to protect themselves."

"I have always thought since I first heard about the Somali children that this really proves the causal role of vaccines. The Amish children who have no vaccines have no autistic-like disorders and the Somali children who are newly exposed to aggressive vaccine programmes have exceptionally high levels! What more evidence is needed?"

Selective Hearing, Brian Deer and the GMC
A one hour documentary about the case against Dr Andrew Wakefield and the Journalist Brian Deers involvement. features parents of the lancet 12, Dr Wakefields wife and Brian Deer arguing with parents outside the GMC in 2008.

Thursday, 13 August 2009

Trimedia MMR Measles roadshow PR Disaster

This is the sad story of Harriet Moore told by her mum.

Friday, 7 August 2009

Is brian deer a puppet of glaxo ?

Thanks to OneClick for the Image


Tricksey MMR Hoax Antivax Parentses Spreading Untruthses About Brian Deer

Gollum speaks in an unusual manner, usually speaking in the first person plural when referring to himself. He also uses his own versions of words similar to the original words. For instance, he would say "tricksy" in lieu of tricky. He usually adds -es to the end of a plural, resulting in words such as "hobbitses" instead of hobbits or "birdses" instead of birds.

(very hard picture to put together fitting gollums head on Brians body)

Friday, 17 July 2009

Brian Deer Lecture on How he solved MMR Riddle

Baptism / squirrels / and the times asking for a story quick,, its all here .LOL

a fascinating insight into the scientific thought processes Brian uses to evaluate complex medical evidence.

Monday, 13 July 2009

A new Urban Legend ?? Baxter Bird Flu Blunder

Just got this email from a friend in
This may be cobblers . . . but better safe than sorry..

Pass on to anyone who may be offered a swine flu jab

>Hi everyone!

>Anyone that knows me well will know that I don't believe in much. I don't believe in ghosts or all that, and if I get one of those "Pass this email on to 50 million people and you will be rich, if you don't you will die etc etc" emails, I just delete them. I want you all to pass this email on to as many people as you know, its not a chain email, but pass it on all the same.

>Right then, I got home from work last night and went round to my best mates. The first words his mum said to me even before she said hello was "don't get the swine flu Jab".

>She explained to me that a woman from her work was in Birmingham on saturday afternoon, and she was in one of those cash and carry warehouses where you can buy cheap stuff, and anyway, there was an guy in a white lab coat in front of her who was struggling to get enough money together to pay for everything in his basket, so she gave him a pound coin so he could pay the 68p or whatever he owed.

>When she left the shop he was waiting for her outside. He asked her for her name and address and said that he would give her the money back, but she told him not to worry about it. He then said "Ok, you have done me a good turn today so I shall do you one back, dont get the Baxter Flu shot when it comes out"

>She didn't take much notice of him, but like me, the more she thought about it, the more she worried, so she looked Baxter up on google ( ) and found that they are being investigated on biowepon charges in europe after sending Deadly birdflu conatminated vaccines to europe.
>they were only found out after a lab Ferret died. really scarry stuff.

>So, i'm just warning you, if you or offered the experimental flu vaccine be very carful,
wasn't going to send this because I didn't want to worry people/look stupid when nothing happened , but I thought that if I didn't say anything and something happened then I would never forgive myself, so its worth the risk of looking a bit daft.

>Please pass this on to anyone you think might be offered a jab.

Sunday, 5 July 2009

Looking for a doctor in london

Next week I will be starting to look for Dr Ben in every NHS hospital in London.
he has alluded to having patients on at least 1 occasion .

I have seen various news Items with him but never seen him pictured near a stethoscope !
this makes me a little suspicious
you may not know that all doctors when filmed must have a stethoscope clearly visble or they risk being pulled up by the GMC.

A Doctor Joke

What's the difference between Dr Ben Goldacre and Ronald MacDonald

One's a brush haired corporate PR clown and the other's .....

A hard working NHS junior Doctor,,, of course

(btw this is my favourite picture of Ben , many of skepics sites use it too , however the GSK logo is always missing , how could that happen!!!)

Ben Goldacre Glaxo award winner

Wednesday, 17 June 2009

oh deer,... and the winner is not brian.

Pondered long over a comic strip but the "joke" has to be how someone can have childrens medical records without fear of prosecution or a public outcry..

find the photo this is based on here


Saturday, 13 June 2009


Great historical moments from the ex brick chucking philosophy student
No 1
Brian debates outside the GMC